- Германия

Regulations of Interregional Social Organization «The club of healthy soul».

1. General thesises.

1.1. Interregional social organization «The club of healthy soul», further referred as Organization, is voluntary self-governing Social Union, created by citizens, who is united on the basis of unity of interests, for realization targets declared in this Regulations.

1.2. Abbreviated title of the Organization is ISO «The club of healthy soul».

1.3. Organization realize activity in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Legislation of RF and on the basis of this Regulations.

1.4. The Organization considered to be juridical party from the moment of public registration in order with the existing law.

Organization has his own balance, seal, stamp, forms, containing full name of the Organization on Russian language, emblem and other symbols, registered in order with the existing law.

Organization has private property, opportunity to acquire proper and private non proper rights, using his own name, takes obligations, to be plaintiff and defendant at arbitration and international courts, performs transactions in Russian and aboard, in order with the existing law, signs agreements in accordance with regulative targets of the Organization.

1.5. The region of Organization's activities is half territory of the members of the Russian Federation, where structural representatives of the Organization, i.e. Departments are created.

The location of constant Head structure, i.e. the Council of the Organization: is Moscow City.

2. Targets and subject of activity of the Organization.

2.1. Organization created to achieve following targets:

- to assist spiritual and physical development of members of the Organization, based on moral principles, which laid down in Russian traditional religions;

- to contribute restoration of moral and ethical ideals, based on principles of Russian traditional religions;

- to contribute safeness, developing and spreading of national cultural values;

- to assist collecting people of good will for the sake of peaceful co-existence of all people on the earth for self-saving people, nations, states.

2.2. To achieve regulative targets, in accordance with existing Legislation of RF, the Organization is free:

- to create proper financial and technical basis, to achieve regulative targets;

- to work out and finance programmes leading to safeness, development and perfection of ethnic, cultural and spiritual traditions;

- to accomplish educational activity, in accordance with it's subject-matter;

- to organize and to conduct exhibitions, lectures, seminars and other educational and cultural arrangements, in accordance with it's subject-matter;

- to provide financial support to museums, libraries, educational and cultural institutions;

- to assist building of cultural institutions, in accordance with it's subject-matter;

- to provide humanity help;

- to set up and establish contacts with the people who are interested in the above mentioned ideas from public and business circle of Russia and other countries;

- to cooperate with the people who are interested in the above mentioned ideas from state departments and organizations in accordance with established order;

- to grant and protect proper rights, legal interests of it's own members, and also legal interests of other citizens at State organizations, local self-governing departments and social organizations;

- to establish mass media information, to realize publishing activity and to publish and to spread printed materials of it's framework with the proper subject-matter for achieving regulative targets in accordance with the existing law;

- to invest own money and to attract money, on voluntary basis, for realization proper regulative targets, create household organizations with legal rights in accordance with the established law;

- to realize oversees activities, purposed to meet regulative targets of the Organization in accordance with the Legislation;

- to realize business activity in order and volume established by the existing Legislation to achieve regulative targets, for the sake of the purpose of Organization created;

- to realize other sort of activity, in accordance with the existing law, to achieve proper regulative targets;

3. Rights and duties of the Organization.

3.1. To realize proper regulative targets the Organization has the following rights, in accordance with the existing Legislation:

- to take part in development decisions in the State and local self-governing organizations, in order and volume prudented by the Legislation of Russian Federation;

- to perform and protect it's own rights and legal rights of it's members and common people in the departments of State power, self-governing and Social organizations;

- to freely spread information about it's proper activity;

- to establish mass media information, to realize publishing activity and to publish scientific, educative and popular literature concerning it's own subject-matter;

- to present suggestions to the State organizations;

- to establish direct international contacts and connections and to sign suitable agreements;

3.2. The Organization obliged:

- to follow the Legislation of Russian Federation, generally accepted principles and international law standards, concerning it's own activity, and obligations prudented by present Charter and other regulative documents;

- to publish annual account of using own property or present free access to this account;

- to inform, annually, organization, making judgment of State Registration of the Organization about prolonging it's activity with notification of real location of constantly working Head of the Organization, it's name and data of the leaders of the Organization, in volume included in the United Public Register of juridical parties;

- to present to the institution making decisions about State Registration of Social Unions the decisions of leading department and Officials of the Organization and also annual and quarter accounts of proper activity in volume represented to tax organization, upon request;

- to give the opportunity of representation of members of institution, making judgments of State Registration of Social Unities with right of presence at arrangements of the Organization;

- to assist to representatives of institution, making judgments of State Registration of Social Unities, to familiarize the activity of the Organization, for achievement of regulative targets and observation of the Legislation of Russian Federation.

4. The membership of the Organization. The rights and obligations of members of the Organization.

4.1. The RF citizens, who achieve 18 years old, and juridical parties - Social Unities, who shares the regulative targets of the Organization and are ready to admit this Charter have the right to became members of the Organization.

4.2. The physical parties should be accepted to the members of the Organization in accordance with personal statement and Social Unities, who are juridical parties, in accordance with the correspondent decision of their powerful leading structures.

The persons, who wishes to enter the Organization, gives the statement (decision) to the Council of the Organization.

The acception of new members to the Organization should be made at the nearest session of the Council of the Organization. The person, who enters the Organization, should be given single pattern membership card, which is established by the Council.

4.3. The citizens and juridical parties - the Social Unities, who enters the Organization should pay first and membership fees. Membership fees should be collected simultaneously at the first part of calendar year.

The order of usage of membership fees are established by the Council of the Organization in accordance with Organization's regulative targets.

The amount of first and annual membership fees are also established by the Council of the Organization.

The Council of the Organization is free to discharge some members of the Organization from paying the membership fee, in proper with existing order.

The members of the Organization have similar rights and carry similar obligations.

4.4. The members of the Organization have the following rights:

- to receive all-round help and assistance from the Organization in the deals concerning with realization of the regulative targets of the Organization;

- to take part in arrangements of the Organization;

- to take part in discussions and setting up all questions at the Conferences of the Organization in accordance with their competence and sessions of the Departments of the Organization;

- to elect and to be elected to the Head and Checking Inspection institutes of the Organization and it's departments;

- to realize projects, programs and arrangements of the Organization and it's departments;

- to receive information concerning the activity of the Organization;

- to get out of the Organization freely.

4.5. Members of the Organization are obliged:

- to observe regulative norms of the Organization;

- to pay membership fee in time;

- to respect rights and legal interests of other members of the Organization;

- to take part in the activity of the Organization, in accordance with their abilities;

- to fulfill decisions of the Head institutes of the Organization, accepted within their competence.

4.6. The members of the Organization might be excluded of the Organization in the cases of infringement the Charter of the Organization, self-interested activity and abuses, which leads to financial losses or damage the reputation of the Organization.

The decision about the exception of the member of the Organization should be accepted by 2/3 members of the Council of the Organization attended the session.

4.7. Cessation of membership of the Organization to be promoted in the following cases:

- desire of the member of the Organization and presenting to the Council of the Organization personal statement (decision) in written form;

- exception from the members of the Organization in accordance with the decision of the Council's of the Organization.

5. The structure of the Organization.

5.1. The structure of the Organization consists of it's regional departments, created on the territory of the Russian Federation and it's objects, local departments, created on the territory of local self-governing structures.

5.2. Regional and local departments of the Organization.

5.2.1. Regional and local departments of the Organization (here and after mentioned as the Departments) act in accordance with the present Charter in the order prudented by the existing Legislation. They are able to acquire the juridical party status.

5.2.2. The highest Head structure of any department of the Organization is the Session of the Department, which should be collected not rare than once a year. Urgent Session of the Department may be appointed in accordance with the decision of the Administration, Checking Inspection Committee (the Inspector) or in accordance with initiative of 1/3 members of the Organization, those one's, who are registered in correspondent department of the Organization.

The Session of the Department have the right to consider all kinds of questions, concerning activity of the Department, including following items:

- to define directions of activity of the Department;

- to elect the Administration for 5 years period to the following structures: The Head of the Administration of the Department, the Deputy of the Administration and members of the Administration, to stop the activity of the authorities ahead of time;

- to elect Checking Inspection Committee (the Inspector) of the Department for 5 years period and to stop it's (his) activity of the authority ahead of time;

- to listen to accounts of electoral structures of the Department, to accept the decisions concerning them;

- to decide questions of reorganization and liquidation of the Department;

- to elect delegates for the Conference of the Organization;

- to decide other questions concerning activity of the Department.

5.2.3. The Session of the Department of the Organization considered to be competent, in the case when more then half members of the Organization present, those ones who are registered at correspondent department of the Organization. The decisions should be accepted by 2/3 voices of presented members.

The Administration is constantly working managing structure for the period between Conferences of the Department. Administration should be collected not rare then once a quarter. The decisions of the Administration of the Department to be accepted in accordance with majority of voices of those present, when half members of the Administration of the Department are there.

5.2.5. The Administration of the Department is able:

- to establish the order of usage of money of the Department, amount and priorities of expenses of the Department;

- to provide preparation for the Session of the Departments;

- to lead activity to realization of the decisions of the Session of the Department and the Head Structures of the Organization.

- to decide other kinds of questions concerning the activity of the Department, which are out of competence of the Session of the Department.

5.2.6. The Head of Administration of the Department is able:

- to manage the Administration of the Department, collect it's sessions;

- to be legal representative of the Department at all State organizations and Social Unities in Russian Federation and abroad;

- to organize and control execution of the decisions of the Session and the Administration of the Department;

- to have the right to sign financial and other kind of documents of the Department;

- to decide other questions concerning the activity of the Department, except those, which are at the competence of the Conference and Administration of the Department;

The Deputy of the Administration of the Department fulfill the rights of the Head of the Administration in the case of his absence.

5.2.7. The Checking Inspection Committee (the Inspector) of the Department conducts revisions of the Department not rare then once a year.

5.2.8. The local departments of the Organization are the part of structure of correspondent regional departments of the Organization.

6. The structure of the Organization.

6.1. The general leading structure of the Organization is the Conference of the Organization (here and after mentioned as Conference). The Council of the Organization is electoral, constantly working, boarding and leading structure, manage the Organization in the periods between Conferences and reports to the Conference. The President of the Organization is the highest Official Authority manages the Council of the Organization.

6.2. The Checking Inspection Committee is the checking inspection structure.

7. The Conference of the Organization.

7.1. The Conference of the Organization is the highest leading institution of the Organization, which has the right to decide questions concerning all the activity of the Organization.

7.2. The Conference should be arranged not rare than once a year. The out of turn Conferences should be arranged to decide urgent questions, which arise during the activity of the Organization, either in accordance with the decision of the Council, President and Checking Inspection Committee of the Organization or in accordance with the statements not less than a half members of the Organization or 1/3 departments of the Organization.

7.3. The members of the Organization should be invited to the session of the Conference not later than two weeks before the date of the Conference, with notification of all the questions, which will be considered at the Conference.

7.4. The Conference have the right to consider any questions and accept any decisions concerning the activity of the Organization.

The Conference of the Organization is able, an exclusive rights:

- to make changes and additions to the Charter of the Organization, with further registration in established legal order (Changes and additions to the Charter has the juridical power from the moment of their State Registration in established legal order);

- to establish long term principles and directions of the activity of the Organization;

- to define quantitative structure and to elect the Council of the Organization i.e. The President and the members of the Council for five years period;

- to appoint general directions of the activity of the Organization;

- to define quantitative structure and to elect Checking Inspection Committee and it's Chairman for 5 years period;

- to make decisions about reorganization and liquidation of the Organization;

- to establish the structure of the Organization;

- to consider and approve the activity of the Organization programmes and accounts of the President, the Council and Checking Inspection Committee of the activity of the Organization.

The majority of voices is necessary to decide above mentioned questions i.e. 2/3 voices of delegates, who takes part in the Conference.

The decisions of reorganization and liquidation of the Organization should be accepted by majority of voices i.e. 3/4 voices of delegates, who are present.

The decisions on other questions should be accepted by majority of voices of those presented.

7.5. The Conference considered to be competent in case when not less than 2/3 of delegates elected by regional departments of the Organization are presented.

8. The Council of the Organization.

8.1. The Council of the Organization is electoral, constantly working leading and boarding structure manage the Organization in the period between Conferences. The Council is presented by the Chairmen, Deputies and the members of the Council. The structure of the Council should be established by the Conference. The Chairmen manages the activity of the Council or one of the Deputies fulfill this rights of the Chairmen during his absence in accordance with the Chairman's order or decision of the Council.

8.2. The Council of Organization is able:

- to provide general management and coordination of activity of the Organization in the period between Conferences;

- to define the amount and order of paying the first and membership fees;

- to provide discussions and to accept decisions concerning activity of the Organization;

- to elect Vice Presidents of the Organization from the members of the Organization for five years period, to appoint their competence and to stop their activity ahead of time;

- to accept decisions about collecting next and out of turn Conferences of the Organization, to appoint norm of those representative at the Conference;

- to accomplish juridical rights from the name of the Organization and fulfill it's duties in accordance with the Charter;

- to accomplish the rights of owner of the property of the Organization, from the name of Organization;

- to provide the execution of decisions, accepted by the Conference of the Organization;

- to consider and approve projects and programmes of the Organization;

- to establish the order of collecting and using of money of the Organization;

- to accept decisions about creation of regional and local departments, branches, representations, household structures, to establish their Charters (regulations) and also changes and additions in it, to appoint the leaders of branches and representations;

- annually inform the structure, which accept decision about State Registration of the Organization about prolonging activity of the Organization, with notification the real location of constantly leading structure, it's name and data about the leaders of the Organization included in the United State register of juridical parties and about updated information, which is necessary to be involved in the United State Register of the juridical parties, in accordance with the State Legislation;

- to listen to reports about activity of the Organization and to make decisions concerning them;

- to define perspective directions and programmes of activity of the Organization and accept decisions concerning them;

- to realize reception of new members to the Organization and exclude from members of the Organization;

- to realize other kinds of activities, which don't depend to exclusive competence of the Conference.

8.3. The sessions of the Council of the Organization should be arranged upon necessity, not rare than once a quarter. The Council have the right to accept decisions in the case when more than 1/2 of it's members presented. The decision should be accepted by majority of voices of those present.

9. The President and Vice Presidents of the Organization.

9.1. The President of the Organization should be elected on the Conference of the Organization for five years period and is the highest authority of the Organization;

9.2. The President of the Organization is able:

- to manage the activity of the Organization in the period between sessions of the Council;

- to present the Organization without of attorney and acts from the name of the Organization;

- to present the Organization contacting with juridical and physical parties, to commit transactions and other juridical acts from the name of the Organization, to issue power of attorney, to commit this kind of transactions and acts;

- to establish structure, staff time-table and conditions of paying the work (the content of contract) of the Organization and it's departments (branches and representations of the Organization) in accordance with the budget of the Organization and estimate the structure expanses, to realize entering and excluding the employees from the Organization, to set up and dismiss the official authorities of the Organization; to fix the official salary and forms of paying the work, to encourage the notable employees, to impose discipline penalties;

- to present the claims and civil and real actions to organizations ans citizens from the name of the Organization;

- to have the right to sign financial and other kind of documents;

to provide the execution of decisions of the Conference, Council and Checking Inspection Committee of the Organization, accepted in accordance with their competence;

- to organize coordination the activity of regional and local departments, branches and representations of the Organization;

- to control the preparation of documents, which should be considered at the Conference and Council, to open and close the Conference and Council of Organization;

- to fulfill other kinds of functions, entrusted to him by the Conference or the Council of Organization and those once which are not in their competence.

9.3. The competence of the Vice Presidents are:

- to fulfill functions and assignments of the President of the Organization in accordance with his order;

- to manage certain directions of activity of the Organization in accordance with fixing duties established by the Council of the Organization.

9.4. One of the Vice Presidents fulfill the President's duties in the case of his absence, for the reason of illness or other kind of circumstance, in accordance with the Council's decision.

9.5. The fulfillment of duties of the President, Vice President and members of the Council are admitted on the voluntary basis.

10. The Checking Inspection Committee.

10.1. The Checking Inspection Committee should be elected from the members of the Organization for five years period and consist of the Inspector and members of the Committee for annual checking the financial and household activity of the Organization.

10.2. The Officials of the Council of the Organization and also those who works in the Organization for the rent are not able to be members of the Checking Inspection Committee.

10.3. The Chairman of the Checking Inspection Committee have the right to attract the experts and audit organizations for qualitative checking the financial activity of the Organization in accordance with agreement with the President and Vice Presidents of the Organization, when it is necessary.

10.4. The Checking Inspection Committee have the right, in accordance with the results of checking, to remove the revealed deficiencies from the Officials and obliged to report about them on the nearest conference of the Organization.

10.5. The Checking Inspection Committee should present the report of its own activity for approval at the Conference of the Organization.

10.6. The expenses for the revision should be inversed to the account of the Organization and must be approved by the Conference.

11. The sources of forming the property of the Organization.

11.1. The Organization is able to have property such as buildings, structures, living reserves, equipment, inventory, transport, money, valuable stationary and other kinds of property, which is necessary for material provision activity of the Organization, established by the Charter.

The Organization is able to have the land field in accordance with the existing Legislation of Russian Federation.

The Organization uses their property to realize targets, appointed by the Charter. The incomes from business activity of the Organization should be consumed only to achieve targets, definite by this Charter and should not be spread between the members of the Organization.

The property of the Organization is forming from the following expenses:

- first and membership fees;

- incomes from business activity of the Organization;

- civil and juridical transactions of the Organization;

- voluntary payments and donations;

- overseas activity of the Organization;

- profit from lotteries, auctions, exhibitions, lectures, sports and other kind of actions arranged by the Organization in accordance with the Charter;

- other kinds of sources, not prohibited by the law.

11.2. The members of the Organization not save the rights for property trusted by them to the Organization, including first and membership fees. Each member of the Organization have no right to share property, belonging to the Organization.

11.3. The members of the Organization are not responsible for obligations of the Organization and the Organization is not responsible for obligations of it's members.

The Organization is responsible for own obligations by all property, which might be arrested in accordance with the existing Legislation.

12. The order of changings and additions to the Charter of the Organization.

12.1. The changings and additions to the Charter should be established by the Conference of the Organization in accordance with the Charter and they are the subject of consequent State Registration.

12.2. The changings and additions to the Charter have the juridical right from the moment of it's State Registration in the established legal order.

13. The order of reorganization and liquidation of the Organization.

13.1. The Organization should be reorganized in accordance with the decision of the Conference, it's Charter and the existing RF Legislation.

13.2. The summarized rights and obligations belonging to the Organization should be passed to the right receiver in the order established by the existing RF Legislation.

13.3. The liquidation of the Organization should be arranged in accordance with decision of the Conference or by juridical order in accordance with the existing Legislation.

13.4. The Conference of the Organization in the case of liquidation should organize the Liquidation Committee, which receive the rights to manage the deals of the Organization.

13.5. The property, which remains as the result of liquidation of the Organization, after satisfaction of creditor's requests should be directed to achieve targets, prudented at this Charter and, in the disputed cases should be determinated by decision of the Court.

The decision of using the other property should be published by Liquidation Committee at mass media.

13.6. The documents, which contain personnel information of the Organization should be passed to the State keeping after it's liquidation in established order.

13.7. The information and documents concerning liquidation of the Organization, which are necessary for State Registration of the Organization, should be presented to institution, which made the decision about State Registration of the Organization when it was created.

The President Dediukhin-Troitskiy A.M.
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